Amaranth Love Lies Bleeding

Heirloom Amaranth Love Lies Bleeding
(Amaranthus caudatus)

These old fashioned, cottage garden flowers have long, wine-red tassels of bloom. The dangling ropes of tiny burgundy blossoms have a wonderful texture, like soft chenille. These easy to grow, big-framed plants thrive even in poor soil and hot conditions and reach 3-4 feet tall, adding rich color and drama to the garden. Branches of their colorful tassels make riveting and decorative vase flowers.

Summer/fall bloom

Frost tender

Sow seeds in full sun in ordinary well-worked garden soil when weather is warm and settled and all danger of frost is past. Space tiny seeds 3 to 4 inches apart or as thinly as possible. Cover lightly and keep moist until seedlings emerge in 7 to 10 days.

Several weeks before last frost date, sow seeds 1 inch apart in containers or individual pots of well-drained seed starting mix, cover lightly and keep moist. Provide a strong light source until seedlings are ready to plant outside when weather is warm and settled and before seedlings get too crowded. Thin or transplant seedlings 18 to 24 inches apart when seedlings are large enough to handle so the large plants will have room to grow.

This dramatic annual is easy to grow, sun loving and drought-tolerant. The large plants make striking garden companions to taller flowers like Sunflowers or Tithonia. Love Lies Bleeding’s draping blossoms with their rich color and unusual touchable texture are long-lasting focal points for large arrangements. Let some flowers set seeds in the garden to self sow.


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