EXCLUSIVE – Charming sky-blue Forget-Me-Nots bring out the romantic in us all. One of the easiest to grow and most prolific flowers of early spring, they bloom at the same time as spring bulbs for which they are perfect companions. Azure Bluebird reaches 12 inches tall with bright green furry leaves the shape of upside-down spoons. As the branching flower stems elongate, the plump buds unfurl their dainty blossoms and shine above the foliage in clear heavenly blue. (Myosotis oblongata)
Product Weight: .5 grams / approximately 1200 seeds
Plant Type: Annual
Bloom Color: Blue
Grows Best In: Full Sun
Bloom Period: Spring / Summer
Growth Habit: bush
Days to Seed Germination: 7-14 days
Seed Planting Depth: .5 cm (1/4")
Growing Height: 30 cm (12")
Planting Instructions:
Sow seeds directly into a finely textured, well-drained garden bed as early in spring as the ground can be worked, or in mid-summer where winters have only light frosts. Space seeds 2 to 3 inches apart and cover 1/4 inch deep. Keep soil moist as seedlings emerge in 7 to 14 days. Weed young seedlings carefully and thin before they get too crowded for best displays of flowers.
Extra thinned seedlings can easily be transplanted elsewhere in groups of 5-7 plants.
In cold winter areas very early spring planting is fine. Forget-Me-Nots will naturalize easily. Pull out plants when bloom is finished and shake seed out if you want them to naturalize on their own.