Seeds are color coded with USDA food grade stain to distinguish varieties. Be sure to plant some of each for show stopping harvests.
Pink seed = Salman F-1
Undyed seed = Golden Delight F-1
Green seed = Raven F-1
Product Weight: 3 grams / Approximately 20-25 seeds
Plant Type: Vegetable
Flavor: Sweet, nutty
Days to Harvest: 50 days
Days to Seed Germination: 7-10 days
Seed Planting Depth: 2.5 cm (1")
Seed Spacing: 2-3 seeds every 2 feet
Row Spacing: 90 cm (236)
Plant Spacing: 2-3 seeds every 2 feet
Planting Instructions: Zucchinis need full sun, rich fertile soil and warm temperatures. Plant only when spring weather is warm and night temperatures stay above 50°F (10°C). Sow 2 to 3 seeds, 1 inch deep, every 2 feet, in rows 3 feet apart. Thin to leave only 1 seedling every 2 feet. Or, plant in slightly mounded hills, 2 feet in diameter, sowing 5 or 6 seeds in each hill. Thin hill-planted seedlings to 2 or 3 strongest plants.
Harvest zucchini when no more than 5 to 6 inches long for best flavor and tenderness. Frequent harvesting keeps plants producing tasty new fruits instead of maturing fat, tough, huge ones.